1. Outpatient educational assistance [HzE]

Gülcan Inci

Mejnur Alço
Educational assistance is based on the following paragraphs.
§ Section 8 a SGB VIII Protection mandate in the event of child endangerment
§ Section 27 (2) SGB VIII Outpatient socio-educational clearing
§ Section 30 SGB VIII Parental support, care assistants
§ Section 31 SGB VIII Socio-educational family support
§ Section 35 SGB VIII Intensive individual socio-educational support
§ Section 41 SGB VIII Help for young adults, aftercare
The work is carried out according to an intercultural professional approach that takes into account different values, identities and lifestyles as well as parenting styles. The children, young people and families are cared for and supported taking into account their own resources, their social reference and their social environment.
The focus is on working with families, children and young people with and without migration or refugee experience who live in Berlin and can be offered in several languages such as German, Kurdish (Kurmancî, Soranî, Kirmanckî/Zazaki), Turkish, Arabic, Farsi and Dari.
2. Kinder- und Jugendhilfeeinrichtung [YoutHome]

Mehmet Ballikaya
Päd. Leitung

Yildiz Şekerci Aslan

Adile Çelik
With “YoutHome” (YH), we are opening a residential child and youth welfare facility (offer is based on Section 34 SGB VIII residential care, other assisted living arrangements) for male unaccompanied and accompanied underage refugees. As the name suggests (youth = young person and home = home), we want to give this vulnerable group a new home and provide them with educational support on their path to adulthood with all its challenges.
3. Projects

Project management
3.1 Child and youth development
Hier fehlt die Projektbeschreibung
3.2 International exchange and youth travel
Hier fehlt die Projektbeschreibung
3.3 Adult and family education
3.3.1 Young men traveling alone

Mehmet Ballikaya
Pedagogical management

Abbas Kakaie

Ahmet Beytekin

Mehmet Can Yilmaz
The project “Counseling for young men traveling alone” offers psychosocial support for young adults traveling alone up to the age of 27 in accordance with §13 SGB VIII from 01.06.2024. Counseling is provided in Turkish, Kurdish, Persian and Pashto.
3.3.2 Niedrigschwellige Elternberatung zur Vermeidung von Kinderschutzfällen

Mehmet Ballikaya
Pedagogical management

Schaima Rmeid

Ala Abusafi
Social work
The project “Low-threshold parental counseling to prevent child protection cases at Columbiadamm 10 aims to relieve families in cramped living conditions through targeted counseling and support and to prevent child protection cases.
Promoting the well-being and mental health of parents and children.
Building trust and support in the parent-child relationship.
Strengthening parents’ parenting skills.
Provision of daily counseling by trained professionals on site.
Organization of meetings for mothers and fathers as well as activities for children and young people.
Conducting workshops and training courses on relevant topics such as stress management and non-violent communication.
The project is an important contribution to the support and integration of families in difficult circumstances and makes a lasting contribution to the prevention of child protection cases.