§ 1 Name and registered office of the association and financial year
(1) The name of the association is “Tanz der Kulturen Berlin e. V.”
(2) It has its registered office in Berlin and is entered in the register of associations there.
(3) The financial year is the calendar year.
§ 2 Purpose of the association
(1) The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the section “Tax-privileged purposes” of the German Tax Code in the currently valid version.
(2) The association is politically and denominationally neutral.
(3) The purpose of the association is the promotion of dance and related arts in Berlin.
In particular, the interests of national and international artists and dancers with a connection to Berlin shall be promoted. Projects of general interest are to be carried out with these artists. Furthermore, cultural and artistic events taking place in Berlin are to be highlighted internationally.
In particular, this is to be achieved through international artist exchanges, events and with the help of accompanying didactic and educational programs.
(4) The association is active in the field of child and youth welfare in accordance with § 27 ff. of the German Social Code (SGBVIII) and in the promotion and care of children, young people and their families. This statutory purpose is achieved in particular through the following sponsorships
a) of inpatient assistance
b) partial inpatient assistance
c) outpatient assistance and
d) services in cooperation with schools and day care centers. The purpose of the statutes is extended by a broad spectrum of services and educational offers. Educational offers in course format in our own educational centers
e) Educational assistance & integration
- Services within the framework of educational assistance in accordance with Section 27 et seq. of Book VIII of the German Social Code, implemented in outpatient family counseling services and in further training measures for parents and guardians
- Educational youth projects, outreach youth work, individual help and international youth exchanges as part of child and youth welfare services in accordance with Section 75 KJHG
- Offers for the integration of people with a migration background
§ 3 Selflessness
The association is selflessly active. It does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes.
(2) The Association’s funds shall be used exclusively for statutory purposes. Members of the Association may not receive any benefits from the Association’s funds.
(3) Members shall not receive any shares of the Association’s assets when they leave or when the Association is dissolved
(4) No person may benefit from expenses that are alien to the purpose of the association or from disproportionate remuneration.
§ 4 Membership
(1) Any natural person (over the age of 18) or legal entity can become a member of the association. Young people under the age of 18 may also become members of the Association if this is decided by the Executive Board in individual cases. The completion of the 16th year of age and a declaration of consent from the parent or legal guardian shall be considered a condition
(2) Types of membership are
Ordinary membership
Ordinary members have full rights and obligations in accordance with these Articles of Association and the law of the Association.
Supporting membership
Supporting members pay an annual membership fee or make another supporting contribution and only enter into a symbolic membership without voting rights.
Honorary membership
At the request of the Executive Board, members who have rendered outstanding services to the association or who have promoted the purpose of the association in a special way can be appointed honorary members by obtaining the approval of the General Assembly. Honorary members have the same rights as all active members and are entitled to participate in all events and meetings. They are exempt from paying membership fees upon appointment as honorary members.
(3) The Board of Directors shall decide on the application for admission to the association. The application must be made in writing.
(4) Membership ends:
- by death or, in the case of legal entities, by their dissolution.
- by resignation, which can only be declared in writing at the end of each quarter. The declaration must be addressed to the Executive Board.
- by expulsion, which can be pronounced by the Executive Board for good cause. Important reasons are, in particular, violations of the articles of association, behavior detrimental to the association or contribution arrears of at least 12 months.
- An appeal against the exclusion can be lodged within a period of one month after receipt of the exclusion, on which the next general meeting will decide. There must be an opportunity for a hearing before this decision is made.
§ 5 Membership fees
Members are obliged to pay the membership fees on time. These are to be paid in cash. The General Meeting decides on the amount and due date of the membership fees by a 2/3 majority. Upon request, the General Meeting shall decide in individual cases on reductions, exemptions or deferrals of membership fees.
§ 6 Organs
- The bodies of the association are
- the General Meeting
- the Board of Directors
- the cash audit committee
§ 7 General Meeting of Members
(1) The tasks of the General Meeting include
Election and deselection of the Executive Board,
Election of the auditors (cash audit committee),
Discharge of the Executive Board on the basis of the annual report,
Determination of the amount and due date of membership fees,
Resolution on amendments to the Articles of Association,
Resolution on the expulsion of a member following a possible appeal
appeal against the exclusion decision,
passing resolutions on the dissolution of the association.
(2) The General Meeting shall be convened at least once a year. If the interests of the Association so require, a General Meeting may be convened at any time.
be convened at any time. In particularly urgent cases, an extraordinary general meeting may be convened.
(3) The General Meeting shall be convened in writing by the Board of Directors with a notice period of one month and simultaneous announcement of the agenda. The notice period for an extraordinary general meeting is one week.
(4) A General Meeting must be convened by the Board of Directors within one month if more than 15% of the members entitled to vote request the Board of Directors to do so in writing.
(5) The General Meeting convened in accordance with the Articles of Association shall constitute a quorum if more than 25% but at least 5 of the members entitled to vote are present.
(6) The General Meeting elects a chairman of the meeting and a secretary. Minutes shall be taken of the General Meeting and an attendance list shall be kept, which shall be signed by the chairperson of the meeting and the keeper of the minutes.
(7) Each member entitled to vote has one vote. Votes are decided by a simple majority of the members present. Amendments to the Articles of Association can only be adopted with a two-thirds majority of the members present. These must be announced in a proper invitation. Abstentions and invalid votes are not taken into account.
§ 8 Board of Directors
(1) The Executive Board consists of at least 3 elected members, the Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson and the Treasurer. The election of further members of the Executive Board is possible; these are assessors.
(2) The Board of Directors is elected by the General Meeting for a term of two years. Re-election is possible. The current members of the Executive Board
remain in office after expiry of their term of office until their successors have been elected.
(3) The Board of Directors is responsible for managing the day-to-day business of the Association. The Executive Board has the following tasks in particular:
- Preparing and convening the General Meeting,
- Implementing the resolutions of the General Meeting,
- Deciding on the admission of new members,
- cash management and preparation of the annual accounts and an annual report.
(4) The Board of Directors passes its resolutions by a simple majority of votes of the Board members present. Abstentions are not counted. It is quorate if at least half of its members are present. In the event of a tie, the Chairperson shall have the casting vote.
(5) Resolutions of the Board of Directors may also be passed in writing or by telephone in urgent cases if all members of the Board of Directors declare their consent to this procedure.
(6) The Board of Directors performs the tasks and conducts the business of the Association within the framework of the Articles of Association in accordance with the corresponding resolution of the Association. It shall meet regularly, at least once a quarter.
(7) All members of the Executive Board are members of the Executive Board within the meaning of § 26 BGB. They represent the association in and out of court. The chairperson, the deputy chairperson
chairperson and the treasurer are each authorized to represent the association alone. Assessors are only authorized to represent the association together with another member of the Executive Board.
(8) Amendments to the Articles of Association that are required by supervisory, judicial and financial authorities for formal reasons may be made by the Board of Directors on its own initiative. All members of the association must be notified of these changes in writing.
(9) The Board of Directors or a member of the Board of Directors can be replaced during their term of office at a General Meeting by the election of a new Board of Directors or a new member of the Board of Directors with 2/3 of the votes of the members present.
(10) If a member of the Board of Directors resigns before the end of their term of office, the Board of Directors is entitled to replace itself once with a new member. The term of office of the
Board member appointed in this way shall be valid until the next General Meeting.
§ 9 Auditor
(1) The General Meeting may elect an auditor. The term of office is one year.
(2) The auditor has the right to audit the Association’s accounts and books at any time. He shall submit his report to the General Meeting.
(3) The auditor may not be a member of the Board or a committee appointed by the Board and may not be an employee of the Association.
§ 10 Notarization of resolutions
Resolutions passed at Board meetings and General Meetings must be recorded in writing and signed by the secretary.
§ 11 The Board of Directors may make amendments to the Articles of Association as required by the local court (register of associations) and the tax office for corporations. The subsequent General Meeting must be informed.
§ 12 Dissolution of the association
(1) A resolution to dissolve the Association requires a 3/4 majority of the members present at the General Meeting. The resolution can only be passed after announcement in the invitation to the general meeting.
(2) If the association is dissolved or its tax-privileged purposes cease to exist, the assets of the association shall be transferred to another tax-privileged corporation for exclusive and direct use in accordance with § 2 of these Articles of Association.
The Articles of Association were revised at the General Meeting on 28.12.2022.